“In a world deluged by irrelevant information, clarity is power”. - Yuval Noah Hariri, Historian. Y es. With the glut of information inundating our space, the old adage, ‘information is power’, needs this refinement. The problem is accentuated by the pace with which information travels, which is breaching speed limits even on the ‘light’ highway and is currently approaching the speed of thought. In this social media roller coaster ride, irrelevant information, fake news, gossips, planted disinformation and allegations get passed along with genuine stuff like jokes, personal development tips, moving life-lessons and real news. No one appears to have enough time to validate information reaching us, as more and more of them are piling on us relentlessly. Memes with messages purported to be from the likes of Sundar Pitchai on issues like NEET, Sterlite Factory flood WhatsApp, Twitter and other social media confusing the members in the network. More than the confusion they crea